Modulemanager version ksp download
· Kerbal Space Program General Discussions Topic Details. Dad. @ am Module Manager Download link Does anyone have a up to date link to module manager? I need it for a mod, thanks in advance. Showing of 2 comments. . · Version KSP Version Add an Exception interceptor to catch ReflectionTypeLoadException and properly blame broken DLLs Version Cleanup the Exception interceptor code and remove the double exception logging and improve the badly worded warning Version Fix a bug with LAST[modx] when modx is not present some code cleanupsMissing: download. · There Is No Preview Available For This Item This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on
73, Downloads Last Updated: Oct 8, Game Version: Download Install. under a CC share-alike license. Anyone is free to do anything they like with ModuleManager's source, with two caveats: You credit me as the original creator that your code is based on; You make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that your code is not the original ModuleManager, and that any problems that people have with your fork should be taken up with YOU. ModuleManager is mod that let you write patch file that edit other part at load time. With is you can edit squad (and other mod) part without overwriting their file. Installation. To install, place the GameData folder inside your Kerbal Space Program folder. If asked to overwrite files, please do so. REMOVE ANY OLD VERSIONS OF THE DLL BEFORE.
There Is No Preview Available For This Item This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on under a CC share-alike license. Anyone is free to do anything they like with ModuleManager's source, with two caveats: You credit me as the original creator that your code is based on; You make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that your code is not the original ModuleManager, and that any problems that people have with your fork should be taken up with YOU. Unfortunately, from KSP and above a fatal bug is affecting Module Manager when more then one MM dll is installed on your system, what renders Module Manager choosing to use the oldest version to be used. This caused some problems to TweakScale at least once. There's no other solution available but to manually DELETE all redundant copies.